An Introduction to Our Weight Loss Appetite Suppressants in Juan Capistrano

Losing weight is a challenge for many people, particularly if underlying medical conditions are contributing to the excess weight. When medical problems are present, losing weight through diet and exercise may not be enough. Which is why RCMC Medical Center offers its clients medical treatments designed to help them lose weight, such as appetite suppressants.

Appetite Suppressants for Medical Conditions

Appetite suppressants work by increasing heart rates, which may help reduce your appetite. Many people have successfully used this method, in combination with other services at RCMC Medical Center to help them lose weight quickly; however, they are not for everyone. Only those with underlying medical problems, such as diabetes, or those with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30, should consider prescription appetite suppressants.

Options for Better Success

While our appetite suppressants in Juan Capistrano do work to help people lose weight fast, here at RCMC Medical Center, we offer many other options that our clients have found to work as well. For those who do not require prescription appetite suppressants, other options include:

  • Lipo Plus Injections – a powerful combination of ingredients, designed to stimulate the metabolism to target stubborn fat deposits while boosting energy levels.
  • Testosterone Treatments – When problems with low testosterone are indicated during the medical evaluation, treatment for these conditions has been proven to help aid weight loss goals.
  • Medical HCG Injections – Created over 50 years ago by Dr. Simeons, this program has a long and proven track record of helping men and women lose weight by targeting stubborn fat, while leaving muscle mass intact, using the pregnancy hormone HCG.
  • Weekly Nutritional Counseling – Medical treatments alone will only take you so far. Lifestyle and unhealthy habits also need to be addressed to achieve and maintain your weight loss. Weekly counseling sessions will help you overcome obstacles to your weight loss, while giving you the support you need.

When medical conditions are playing havoc on your metabolism, weight loss can be nearly impossible. However, addressing the medical side of being overweight, along with encouragement and support, the team at RCMC Medical Center can help you live a healthier life.

To learn more about the appetite suppressants in Juan Capistrano, or other services at RCMC Medical Center, please contact us today to request your free consultation!