Many people are struggling to lose weight as they stick to their diet. But the latest data shows that some have experienced success with HCG injections as part of their diet program. Our team at RCMC Medical Center are experienced in offering Claremont patients access to the HCG injections to support their diet progress and in this latest post, we’ll explore the safety of HCG.
What is HCG?
HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is a hormone often used as part of a rapid weight loss program. The studies have shown that HCG can help Claremont clients lose weight as part of a controlled diet over an extended period of time.
Why injections?
One of the leading reasons many are confused by HCG is that HCG has not been shown to be effective in any form other than injections. Injections are used to raise the levels of HCG in the blood, having a faster impact on the patient and ensuring that the HCG is found at the levels required to sustain dietary progress.
How does it work?
The question that many patients have when we discuss HCG with them is “How does the product work to help the patient lose weight?” HCG works by reducing the feeling of hunger throughout the day. This ensures that if you’re following along with a recommended diet, you don’t stray outside the boundaries of the diet and you’re not tempted to reach for those chips or chocolate bars as your hunger levels won’t rise throughout the day. For example, pregnant women have high levels of HCG, which leads to them experiencing nausea and prevents them from building an appetite during their early weeks of pregnancy.
Working with a qualified Claremont team to explore the value of HCG injections as part of your diet can ensure the right results for the years ahead. Our team at RCMC Medical Center are highly experienced in this area of the medical field. To learn more about HCG injections and their benefits, please call us today to book a consultation.