Cutting Calories While Still Feeling Full? It Can Happen

In this day and age, too many people think that “dieting” means spending their days constantly feeling hungry – but that’s just not the case.  Smart and healthy eating can allow you to significantly cut your caloric intake, while still eating well and feeling full afterward.

When we’re providing nutritional counseling in Victorville, CA, we always try to emphasize this with our clients.  “Diet” does NOT have to mean “going hungry.”  In fact, it usually shouldn’t.  Here are some of the strategies we suggest.

Four Smart Dieting Tips from Victorville, CA, Nutritional Counseling Specialists

  1. Eat bigger foods

The more nutrient-dense a food is, the easier it is to eat too much of it.  The denser the food is, the harder it is to judge an appropriate amount.  For example, in studies, people pouring crushed-up cereal into a bowl tended to consume at least 25% more than those eating larger pieces of cereal.

So, look for foods that have a large physical volume. Think popcorn, salads, and anything else that fills a bowl quickly. It’ll fill you up too!

  1. Fiber is your friend

Foods which are full of fiber tend to expand in your stomach, filling you up more quickly.  This is great for cutting calories.  Whole wheat bread and pasta are a good choice (depending on what you can or can’t eat), but almost anything classified as “whole grain” will work as well.  Grains like oats, barley, and rye are great for getting rid of hunger pangs.

Plus, you’ll be eating healthy, and be more regular too.  It’s win-win.

  1. Protein makes you feel fuller

A healthy amount of protein should be part of any diet, but it’s particularly helpful for losing weight.  Eating protein causes your gut, and your brain, to release hormones that reduce hunger cravings.  We recommend having 25-30 grams of protein per meal, which is roughly equivalent to a three-ounce chicken or pork cutlet, or a peanut-butter sandwich. (Just go easy on the jelly.)

In particular, protein-focused breakfasts are a great way to prevent mid-morning munchies from derailing your diet.

  1. Know good fats from bad fats

Fats make you fat, right?  Not necessarily!  Saturated fats, like the type you get from fried foods, are extremely unhealthy and bad for diets.  However, there’s a different category of fats called polyunsaturated fats which are much more diet-friendly and also release anti-hunger hormones.  These fats are most typically seen in nuts and seeds, as well as many kinds of seafood like fish and oysters.

So, protein from fish or nuts gives you a double benefit!

Get Superior Nutritional Counseling in Victorville, CA

RCMC Medical Center is here to help you lose weight and look great!  Contact us to learn more about our nutritional counseling and other medical services.