by DND | Apr 10, 2018 | Blog, Medical Weight Loss Center
What is medical weight loss and what are the advantages of contacting a medical weight loss center? The answer to these questions lies in science. What you get when you contact professionals like RCMC Medical Center is access to proven weight management programs, a...
by DND | Apr 5, 2018 | Blog, Medical Weight Loss Center
Why go to a medical weight loss center? It’s a fairly common question, with a number of very good answers. A number of people struggle with weight loss despite trying all kinds of approaches, diets, and exercises, simply because they do not have access to a support...
by DND | Feb 28, 2018 | Blog, Lipo-Plus Injections
People often come to us at RCMC Medical Center looking for weight loss solutions that go beyond the standard diet and exercise programs. Usually, it’s people who have already tried regular diets and found themselves unable to lose weight and keep it off. We have...
by DND | Feb 27, 2018 | Blog, Medical HCG injections
“Are medical HCG injections right for me?” A lot of people are asking that question, particularly when more traditional forms of weight loss have failed them. HCG-based programs can deliver huge weight loss results within a month or so, but it also...
by DND | Feb 25, 2018 | Blog, Lipo Plus
If you have struggled with losing weight in the past, and have tried multiple diet/exercise programs with little long-term progress, there might be another option for you: Lipo-Plus injections. Lipo-Plus, short for lipotropic injections, is a form of...