Discover the Latest Dietary Vegetables with our Claremont Weight Loss Clinic Team

When you’re trying to lose weight without success, you might consider adding new ingredients to your diet. Our team at RCMC Medical Center has experience in optimizing diets for patients at our Claremont weight loss clinic. In this new post, we’re explaining more about the best vegetables to consume for long-term weight loss results.

  • Mushrooms

Because mushrooms taste great and are versatile, they can be used in so many meals. And they’re the ideal addition to your diet as they add texture and flavor to meals without significant increases in caloric intake.

  • Carrots

Carrots are packed with nutrients and consuming a cup of carrots regularly can help you to lose weight. That’s because the nutritional value of carrots will help you to feel full for longer, and a cup of raw carrots has only 50 calories, which represents a fraction of the recommended 1500 calorie diet of most adults.

  • Celery

Water comprises the vast majority of the elements in celery. And so, if you’re searching for a quick snack that will help you feel full without adding calories, celery is another great option. Celery is also full of fiber and so you’ll feel stronger and better prepared for other challenges when you make celery a part of your regular diet. Turn to your local Claremont weight loss clinic team for ideas on how to include celery within your diet.

  • Green, leafy vegetables

Green, leafy vegetables such as salad greens and lettuce contain zero fat and many phytonutrients, which are critical to system function. Another great benefit of leafy vegetables is they go with most types of meal, and so you won’t have to change your plans if you want to achieve a truly healthy meal selection.

  • Cauliflower

Cauliflower has quickly become one of the leading alternatives to carb-heavy foods such as potatoes. The vegetable also has no fat and significant fiber content, so it can help you to improve your metabolism while boosting energy levels.

RCMC Medical Center

There are many great choices for those beginning a weight loss program at their local Claremont clinic. Our trusted team can help you choose quality meal options that reduce your weight over the long-term while introducing you to exercise programs and healthy actions. To discover more about our services, call us today.