Five Great Tips for Managing Your Weight When You Work at Home in Victorville, CA

If you work from home, managing your weight can be difficult!  You’re probably not moving around much, and with total access to your fridge, it’s easy to pack on some pounds while you telecommute.  Our weight loss clinic in Victorville, CA, has experience helping work-at-homers stay in shape – here are some of the tips we give our clients!

Five Ways to Keep in Shape While You Work at Home

  1. Keep your fridge stocked with healthy food

Plan for success!  Stay away from high-fat/high-sugar processed foods and look for healthier and nutritional alternatives that you can eat when you need a snack.  Hummus, fruits, veggies, boiled eggs, almonds or other nuts, even popcorn – these are all snacks that won’t hurt your waistline so much when you munch.

  1. Pre-plan or pack your lunch ahead of time

If you try to prepare lunch in the middle of your workday, chances are you’re going to just throw something unhealthy onto a plate.  So, plan ahead!  Just like if you were working at an office and taking your lunch, prepare it the night before.  That allows you to take time and plan a healthy meal that will be easy to prepare.

  1. Don’t eat in front of your computer

Research has shown that people tend to eat more when they’re looking at screens because they’re distracted and not paying attention to how much food they’re consuming.  So, resist the urge to work through lunch – take a real break while you eat.

  1. Take walking breaks

When you take a break from work, don’t just switch over to Facebook or Reddit – really take a break.  Get up and walk around outside for a few minutes or take a jog around the block.  When you’re working from home, you need to look for these opportunities to get in extra exercise.

  1. Plan your snack breaks

When it’s your house and your kitchen, it can be tempting to raid the pantry whenever you get a little hungry.  Resist the urge!  Have a planned break schedule, much like you would have in the office so that you aren’t constantly running into the kitchen looking for snacks.

Is Your Job Encouraging Weight Gain?  RCMC Can Help!

RCMC Medical Center is a top-rated weight loss clinic in Victorville, CA, and we can help you achieve your ideal weight – then keep the weight off!  Contact us directly to schedule your free consultation.