How to Get the Best Effect from Your Medical HCG Injections

Medical HCG injections can be a powerful tool to help you lose weight, but the injections alone can’t do all the work. While you’re taking medical HCG injections, you’ll need to keep up your diet routine and be careful to avoid activities which put too much strain on your body.

At RCMC Medical Center, we want to see every patient get the very best outcome they possibly can from HCG injections. Here are some tips for ensuring that happens!

Five Ways to Get the Most Benefit from Medical HCG Injections

1- Drink plenty of water.

While most aspects of your diet are restricted, you can drink as much water as you want. Not only can it help you avoid feeling hungry, but it will prevent dehydration as well. Don’t worry about retaining the water; you won’t.

2- Green tea and coffee help.

The best drink (besides water) for your diet is green tea, which is full of antioxidants and can help boost your body’s metabolism. If green tea isn’t your thing, black coffee is another option. Coffee is also good for suppressing feelings of hunger.

3- Have plenty of fiber.

Your diet plan includes plenty of vegetables and fruit so that your body can get the fiber it needs. Fiber also helps you feel full, as well as improving your digestive system. If you’re having issues with hunger, you can probably also supplement your diet with psyllium fiber pills – but double-check with the doctor prescribing your HCG injections first.

4- Be consistent with your shots.

Medicinal HCG injections work best when they are spaced exactly 24 hours apart, as near as you can come. Pick a time and stick to it. Try setting up an alarm in your smartphone as a reminder!

5- Don’t cheat!

No matter how tempting it is, you need to make it through your month-long diet plan. Our RCMC Medical Center team can help you every step of the way. Stick with it – the diet will be done sooner than you think.

Receive Medical HCG Injections from A Licensed and Caring Source

There are a lot of questionable sources for HCG out there, so be sure to get HCG from a fully-licensed medical center which is available to help you through your weight-loss process. Contact RCMC Medical Center to learn more!