RCMC Medical Center Announces Weight Loss Services and Nutrition Counseling in Rancho Cucamonga

June 15, 2016 – Rancho Cucamonga, CA – RCMC Medical Center, the leader in medically-based nutrition counseling in Rancho Cucamonga, offers successful weight loss services for people who truly wish to live a slimmer, healthier lifestyle.

Based on seeing other treatment programs’ failure rates, RCMC Medical Center has taken steps to bring the highest chances of success to their own clients.  This is based in three very simple principles that so many other clinics often overlook:

  1. Positivity is a MUST.

Often, it can be easy for people to become discouraged when seeking weight loss.  Many other programs use shame-based tactics that only make their clients feel bad about not achieving their goals quickly enough. RCMC Medical Center focuses on positivity and support; each plan is custom tailored since ever person is different.

  1. Weight Loss Is a Journey, Not a Race

While many weight-loss clients achieve their results in just a few weeks, RCMC Medical Center is dedicated to taking the process step-by-step.  They don’t rush clients; they provide all the resources need for success, no matter how long it takes.

  1. Clients Must Keep Their Dates

RCMC Medical Center keeps track of their clients, and helps push them towards making every appointment.  Accountability brings success, when every meeting moves a client closer to their desired weight.

RCMC has a stunning 90% success rate with their weight-loss and nutrition counseling programs, which demonstrates just how far the right attitude can take any dieter.  RCMC Medical Center are here to serve the California area and ensure everyone who steps through their doors succeeds in their dietary plan.

For RCMC Medical Center, failure is simply not an option.

About The RCMC Medical Center

With more than twenty years’ experience helping everyday people achieve their weight-loss goals, RCMC Medical Center is the premiere option in weight management and nutrition counseling in Rancho Cucamonga. RCMC utilizes a wide variety of strategies, from basic nutritional and dietary plans, to well-established medical procedures like Lipo Plus treatments, to ensure every client reaches the body size they dream of.

For more information or a free consultation, visit www.rcmcmedicalcenter.com/ or contact (909) 945-9982.